Thursday, May 19, 2016


15x15" Acrylic on canvas.  Available for Purchase. 

I love to encourage new artist to develope your own method and creative process. I would like to share with you some of the steps involved in my artwork. 

I start by setting up the subject, and then choosing a pleasant composition ( I use a piece of cardboard as a viewfnder, this allows me to make  marks as guides). Once I have established the composition I start transferring it to a toned canvas. I tend to choose the brightest color in the image as the background color. That way the subject would look even brighter one the painting is completed.

One of the most important steps of a painting is the composition. If you don't arrange the objects in a pleasing manner, the painting is going to look out of balance.  
A good technique is to connect the figures geometrically. In this painting you can see that the three figures are connected by lines. The shadow of the figure at the top is continued by the shadow of the figure in the middle, and both of the corners of the oranges are draw by the same line. This lines are not all going to be visible once  the painting is finished, but it will give the effect of continuity that is so esential for a painting that pleases to the eyes. 

The nex step is to put down the colors.  I f you get the values of the colors right your image will read as a real volume.

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